Ankle dorsiflexion, we need it for walking, squatting, running, etc. This is an easy mobility exercise to make sure you have uniform ankle dorsiflexion to p...
Golfers Elbow or Medial Epicondylitis occurs when there is repetitive strain at the inside(medial) elbow. As the name insists, this condition commonly occur...
Tennis Elbow or Lateral Epicondylitis occurs when there is repetitive strain at the outside(lateral) elbow. As the name insists, this condition commonly occ...
Assisted squats are a great way to feel yourself perform this squat movement correctly. The key with these exercises is to maintain a neutral spine with low...
Ski Jump or Vele Ski Jump is a common exercise to work on balance and intrinsic foot muscle activation. This can be difficult to perform at first due to lac...
Tight quad muscles from sitting, a hefty day in the gym, or lack of glute strength? This quad stretch allows you to get that needed lengthening of the tissu...
From foot intrinsic muscle activation, to knee support, and glute muscle activation, this exercise is a really good way too improve all the above. . .on top ...
Adding a resistance band around your knees or feet can be a great way to move to gain strength and stability in the hips via the gluteal muscles. Specifical...
Knees to Chest, single or double--with hands behind knees, is a great way to stretch the posterior chain if you are unable to do so kneeling like in previous...